Monday, April 9, 2012

Tutorial Five - Video Production Session.

In my first fieldwork experience for Occupational Therapy I was introduced properly to the developmental disorder called Autism. I never really knew much about Autism before I went on placement other than it effecting behaviours. I knew that it was completely varied in each individual and I leanrt this is what they call the Autistic Spectrum Disorder, to suggest that there is a large spectrum to which a child can behave. I visited a young boy of 12 with this disorder and the next week was involved in a 3 day course revolving around this client, probelm sloving and discussing new interventions for him.

After this placement Autism became very interested in Autism.

The next five videos have been taken from Youtube to demonstrate the disorder and provide personal experiences.

This first video is a brief introduction to what Autism is and the 3 main areas that are affected:

Video two is the signs and syptoms of Autism.

I liked this third video because it lets you see that Autistic children can still participate fully in life and without being told, I would not have guessed the autistic child identified was any different from the rest. 

This forth video in an early detection test for autism.

My last video was one of the first videos I viewed when researching videos for this post. I had to put this on because its from the parents point of view, gives good stats... and I shead a small tear.

I hope you leanrt something from these videos and are more aware of Autism, especially from the last video about how it can affect someone.
When I become qualified I would love to work with Autistic children. 

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